Friday, February 20, 2009

Croc Hunter

So, funny story, but first a little background. Cassidy has loved "Bindi the Jungle Girl" tv show for a long time. Before she could talk well, she called it "Bidi da ga ga ga". She just LOVES it. We have tons DVRed (is that a word?). Anyway, Bindi is Steve Irwin's daughter, and Steve is, or was, the Crocodile Hunter. On Bindi's theme song, one line is "The Croc Hunter taught her, now his only daughter..." So a few days ago, my mom started watching a little girl at her day care. She is about Cassie's age and they get along well. The only problem is that her name is Hunter, and Cassie calls her Croc Hunter, and doesn't realize it! It is so funny I can't even look at her when she says it. She can be so funny. It is a strange obsession at our house...Bindi, Croc Hunter, we all seem to watch them. Even family wrestle time has become Croc Hunter time. People jumping on each other, saying "Death roll! Jump on the tail mate! Whoo, she's a beauty!" WE may belong in a nuthouse, but it's pretty fun!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day! (Well, a little early - I'm hoping you will be doing something way more exciting than reading my blog on the REAL Valentines Day!) Tobin's feet were supposed to look like a heart, or at least that's how I pictured it in my head before I did it..they don't really, but aren't they cute?

He wants to be a ballaweena

So Cassidy and Tobin were playing in their room. Cassie was happily dressing up in a bunch of costumes, and asked me to dress tobin in a little Bo-Peep dress. I told her he was so happy playing and he didn't want to dress up. Sloooowly the door closes... I got the camera because I knew this would be good! I went in after a few minutes, and Cassie told me, "He wants to be a ballaweena!" So funny. He was remarkably calm during the costume change, which I'm sure wasn't very gentle. I didn't hear a peep from him! I love these little guys!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

First Tie

We were getting ready for church last Sunday, and Caleb dressed Tobin in a shirt and tie! Too cute. Then Caleb went and re-dressed himself so they could match - white shirts, brown pants, ties, etc. I'm so glad Caleb finally got a brother! Tobin is getting so BIG and OLD! I can't believe in under 4 months he will be a year. Where has the time gone???